viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky

"We have no right to consume happiness without producing it than we do to consume wealth without producing it." - George Bernard Shaw

First you have to watch the video so you can create your own opinion:

What is my personal reflection about this video?

This video makes me realize how important is to be constant thinking about contribute with society and how many time do we spend doing unproductive things when we can be productive and enjoy at the same time.

Has it challenge me to think in my activities and how I spend my free time?

Of course, before this video I spend a lot of time playing on the internet even with my phone but now that I get the message of the video, I try to leave it. I have to admit that it’s a big change for me because I’m used to text every time but now I feel that I have more time and with this time I’m starting to visit other sites like PETA or WWF who are actives sites were the people can sign for a cause to save animals because the animals are my passion and I forgotten that for be on Facebook.

Am i primarily a consumer or do i produce and share as much or more than i consume? Does it help me appreciate the social action you im doing for this class?

I think that I am a consumer now but I want to change myself and not just for the class, I always wanted to contribute before but I never took the initiative and the class force me to do that and now I think that it’s great I’m totally grateful.

Personally I like to write my ideas in different sites like Wipikipedia or to put my personal opinion in the campaigns that the newspapers websites do like BBC Mundo or El Universo but I always spend more time in facebook and If I have more time I visit this sites. The video makes me realize that been active its more important than chat with my friends and it’s also fun. I enjoy it and acquire more knowledge giving feedback.

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