martes, 21 de julio de 2009

Turn yourself in an active person !!

If you want to be an active person and help us to stop animal cruelty, contribute or inform about subjects that happens in our planet, you can subscribe to this web sites and sign a peticion for it:

If you care about whales:

Get inform of how you can cooperate just making a clic, it only takes a few minutes !!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think these links are very important in the way of being socially involved in helping the planet and others.

    Do you thing big corporations do harm the planet? what do you think of fast food chains like mcdonalds or kfc that make use of huge ammounts of animals without caring of their life conditions and death process ??

  2. Yes,the big corporations like mc donalds are tho biggest problem because they have the money and the tools for make the things in a good way and they dont do it just for save money. They really are killers because they know what they are doing and they still doing it.
    The change its in our hands not just signing, we also have to be a responsable consumers and select the food that its made with irresponsable procedures.
    Please join to the list in Peta and help us to stop this cruelty.
