domingo, 26 de julio de 2009

Including pets =o), 25 of July

This week the campaign take a twist and collaborate with animals too with the sponsors of the Department of health publishes and offer to the neighbors a free antianger vaccine to their pets.
Here i post the flyers to the summons and my pet’s certificates

They also did a contest for the kids of the best draw of "Recyclator", the pet of the campaign. The kids can win a prime paid for the sponsor of Scott and they will also publish all the draws in the Ceibos Norte's magazine.

This week the directors of Aseceinort offer me to participate in the meetings direction of the recycle campaign. I’m glad to be invite to this kind of actions because now i feel that all my effort have been remunerate and in this moment i can cooperate with my creative ideas and being a really agent of change for my own community as i learn in the conference of social responsibility and the conferences like Cooperativa the Todas .
Now i feel the foolish of making a change for my community or at least at home.

Friday 24 of july

As i promise for my social labor for this week, i involve my families company for the campaign and we recycle 8 kilograms of boxes.

As we can’t rent a truck we called Reypa a dedicated company to recycle and they did the ticket tax in name of Asoceinort to contribute with their program.

We did this on friday, here I post the pictures

martes, 21 de julio de 2009

"Si queréis saber cómo habita el alma en el cuerpo, os bastará observar cómo usa el cuerpo de su cotidiana habitación: si ésta es desordenada y confusa, desordenado y confuso será el cuerpo poseído por el alma".
Leonardo Da Vinci

Se estima que cada habitante de América Latina y El Caribe produce entre medio y un kilogramo de basura por día. La cultura del derroche debería ser poco a poco sustituida por una conciencia del mundo más amplia que abarque también a nuestros deshechos. Para empezar, nuestro personal kilo diario de basura tendría que ir reduciéndose progresivamente a la mínima expresión mediante el consumo racional.

Para comenzar a cambiar estos habitos es necesario tomar las siguientes acciones:
1. Como primer paso se deben realizar actividades de reflexión y concientización sobre el problema, con los niños y adolescentes de la comunidad.
2. Luego se debe convocar a todos los líderes comunales del distrito, para un taller de dos días para discutir la problemática que tiene la comunidad por la contaminación por basura, y la búsqueda de soluciones.

Aunque las autoridades ambientales regulan la disposición técnica para el tratamiento de los desechos municipales, pocos son los municipios que pueden sufragar los costos de un relleno sanitario que cumpla con todas las normas de seguridad.

Una de las soluciones sería unificar el tratamiento y disposición final de la basura entre ciudades de un mismo municipio o región. Basadas en la construcción de un galpón, de un cerco perimetral y de la adquisición de maquinarias tales como una trituradora, una prensa para plásticos y una ensiladora, entre otras inversiones. De esta manera, a partir de la separación que se debe realizar desde los hogares, se podrá mejorar el tratamiento de los residuos inorgánicos y pasar a la fase de producción de compost con el material orgánico. Es necesario que el personal, en este centro cuente al menos con guantes, tapabocas, lentes y botas para prevenir cualquier problema de salud para sus trabajadores.
El principal freno que detiene el desarrollo de la industria de reciclaje es la falta de conciencia sobre cómo manejar la basura y el potencial económico que representa. En Alemania, por ejemplo, donde se promueve este negocio mediante la aplicación estricta de la ley, el reciclado de empaques de plástico se traduce en ingresos aproximados de 500 dólares por tonelada.
Al tirarse todo de manera desordenada, mezclándolo además con desperdicios orgánicos, la basura se vuelve sucia, mal oliente y peligrosa para la salud. Su destino son los basureros a cielo abierto, en donde los deshechos inorgánicos pueden quedar enterrados sin descomponerse durante cientos de años. La cultura del derroche debería ser poco a poco sustituida por una conciencia del mundo más amplia que abarque también a nuestros deshechos. Para empezar, nuestro personal kilo diario de basura tendría que ir reduciéndose progresivamente a la mínima expresión mediante el consumo racional.
Sólo cuando la ciudad imponga un precio a la recolección y a la disposición de la basura en el momento de su fabricación, ese costo se incorporará al precio de los productos, y cada uno de nosotros podrá actuar antes de producir la basura, o sabrá al menos cuál es el precio que está pagando por ese insensato lujo. Una política responsable y racional debería discutir estas cuestiones que están antes y después de la recolección de la basura.

Cristian Frers es Técnico Superior en Gestión Ambiental y Técnico Superior en Comunicación Social

Turn yourself in an active person !!

If you want to be an active person and help us to stop animal cruelty, contribute or inform about subjects that happens in our planet, you can subscribe to this web sites and sign a peticion for it:

If you care about whales:

Get inform of how you can cooperate just making a clic, it only takes a few minutes !!

all involve to cooperate 11 of july !!

Sorry for upload late my entry !! =0S

As i promised the last entry i involved my family in the social labor. I visited their houses and recollected a lot of garbage for the campaign because to keep motivated the people, the directors of the campaign decide that the objective this time will be to recollect 1000 POUNDS of garbage.
It was funny because i had to called them before visit and explain them the campaign and i thought that they doesn’t want to collaborate because they don’t take it seriously so i have to call them every single day to remember and at the end they contribute a lot I’m very grateful and i hope that they understand the purpose of this labor, when i explain the part of the R’s that are: Recycle, reduce, reused. They make jokes of that and said that they can’t believe that i do social labor.

My aunt’s and uncles leaves in other neighbors’ so i made a little tour with my car.

We recycle boxes and plastic bottles.

As a personal experience I love it because I felt that I plant the seed in my own family which is the people that I care, even my boyfriend helpme all the time. The campaign was good and the people from the neighbor collaborate but we don’t reach the estimated quantity so we hope to do it the next time.

The best part of involved my parents is that my families company work compiling confidential documents and they have a lot o boxes that they need to eliminate and they will donate it all to the campaign because normally they just give it to Vachagnon. Now we need to rent a truck because its to much trash for my car.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky

"We have no right to consume happiness without producing it than we do to consume wealth without producing it." - George Bernard Shaw

First you have to watch the video so you can create your own opinion:

What is my personal reflection about this video?

This video makes me realize how important is to be constant thinking about contribute with society and how many time do we spend doing unproductive things when we can be productive and enjoy at the same time.

Has it challenge me to think in my activities and how I spend my free time?

Of course, before this video I spend a lot of time playing on the internet even with my phone but now that I get the message of the video, I try to leave it. I have to admit that it’s a big change for me because I’m used to text every time but now I feel that I have more time and with this time I’m starting to visit other sites like PETA or WWF who are actives sites were the people can sign for a cause to save animals because the animals are my passion and I forgotten that for be on Facebook.

Am i primarily a consumer or do i produce and share as much or more than i consume? Does it help me appreciate the social action you im doing for this class?

I think that I am a consumer now but I want to change myself and not just for the class, I always wanted to contribute before but I never took the initiative and the class force me to do that and now I think that it’s great I’m totally grateful.

Personally I like to write my ideas in different sites like Wipikipedia or to put my personal opinion in the campaigns that the newspapers websites do like BBC Mundo or El Universo but I always spend more time in facebook and If I have more time I visit this sites. The video makes me realize that been active its more important than chat with my friends and it’s also fun. I enjoy it and acquire more knowledge giving feedback.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Contributing with the source we take from the planet

As my social labor I chose to contribute with a recycle campaign called "Ceibos Norte verde y saludable" that the people in my neighborhood start since a few months.
I decide to realize this assignment because i want to help the environment and to instruct people how to cooperate returning the source that we took from the nature and I hope that in that way change their way of think and create conscience in the damage that we cause with our life style.
As an induction to the program the directors of neighborhood send flyers to all the people that live in Ceibos Norte.

As the flyer said i realize this activity the 20 of June, i just forgot to upload the entry =0S
The objectives of the programs are:
• Transform the neighborhood in an example to follow of manage responsible for solid residues to the others urbanizations.
• To turn to the urbanization in a community activates and participant worried by the environment and the health of the city needs.

The campaign starts the 20 of June at 8:00 AM and end at 5:oo PM. To promote it, we made a contest for the people that collaborate; they can win recycle recipients and other prizes from the auspiciants we got.

My personal objective is change of the habits in my own house with my family to make them understand the importance to contributing with the environment needs remind them every day that they have to separate the trash.

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

Investigation of Truth

"Nothing is more powerful than an individual acting out of his own conscience, thus helping to bring the collective conscience to life.”
- Norman Cousins

This Reading was about the truth of the aspects of the human being. It said that the human being had two aspects the material and the spiritual. In the material aspect, continuing his nature of survival, man’s can be very cruel and egoist wasting the nature resource in their own benefits like we sow in the videos, man can lie to other people affecting their health just to sell more products or waste deliberately the water to feed animals in poor conditions for money.
But the reading also said that the man have other aspect that it’s the opposite, it’s the spiritual aspect that contains love, mercy and kindness that struggle with the material nature to create a balance between the two aspects.

The most important message about these videos and this reading is that we have two choices here. We can work for ourselves or works combine these aspects that we got thinking in the benefits of the whole society. We have to act like if we were only one and to believe in the human kindness, that accomplishment are built on the sacrifices and achievements of others and have the determination to eliminate injustice from society . The social action is infused with the feelings of love, harmony and kindness by an unshakable belief in the unity of humankind.

If we want to live in a better world we have to be better persons and open our eyes and start searching what’s going on with this planet, we don’t have to believe in the mass media because obviously they are not being honest and they are not projecting the truth and the reality and this incredulity are killing the nature causing global warming and even wars.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Planting the seed of contribution

Conclusions of the presentations in the class

First of all The De Todas Company wants to help and build strong bases in the woman’s selfesteem giving them the opportunity to learn and to start their own business overcoming their own expectations. The most important thing in this project it’s about teaching women’s with low expectations that they can put their efforts and to sustain their homes helping in the same way their communities working in a group when everybody wins.
Then we have a talk about the Wong foundation and for me this is the best project because they teach the children of their workers and at the same time this children teach their parents too. It’s a case when everybody wins too because increase and form an economy in places that are forgotten for the government and others institutions.
At last but not less important we have a group of volunteers that re join adolescences to teach them how they have to take their decisions to help the other people and show them examples every weekend of how they have to act for good and how to reject the bad actions keeping them away from drugs and make them the good persons for tomorrow.

The three organizations have in common that they teach people how to improve and make good actions that teach them how to help and to contribute benefits to the society. In the three organizations we can see the part Win - Win.

For me the best project is the Wong foundation because the children learn how to cooperate with their society working together and that’s something that they will transfer to their own children making a change in the way their think and that’s exactly the purpose of the project and its something that i would like to do.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

About the class

For me this class opens my eyes and shows how i can help keeping out the excuses to say myself that I can’t do it.It shows how the decisions that we take are important and how change myself being an example for others. Now I think different because before this class I was think that the social work only was for the big company’s and never think that I can help too and now I learn that if I change my behavior I’m helping and if I do something lasting I’m helping even more.

I prefer to do the social labor in groups because in that way we can feel more safety teaching childrens. Its an experience that i never did before and i prefer to do it in group.

Cooperativa De Todas

In my visit to “Cooperativa De Todas” I did the next interview to Jaqueline Guano Guano:

How this credit have influenced in the development of your personal life?

The credit has no influence in my life because for me it’s just money. It’s the Cooperativa as an organization that give me the opportunity to learn about myself and my own skills that i forgot that i have. They give us the opportunity to change our lives with our effort contributing with our homes and families.

How do you feel being a part of this project?

It’s good to know people that work for helping others like us. Like i said they don’t give us the money they give us the knowledge, the selfsteem and you feel grateful when you look your past and you’re present and you can see the change you made.

Do you think that you can help other people like the Cooperativa help you?

Yes, I don’t know if I can help a lot of a little but I’m going to teach my nieces in my family that they have to surpass themselves and I will teach them how to invest in a business.

Before you meet Cooperativa de Todas, you thought that you can have your own business?

No, I always wanted to have my own business but I never thought that it can happens, my fear first was to lose the money but they give us trainings to do everything correct.

My experience to do this interview to this woman was that we can help the people as an individual person but if we work in group like the partners of the Cooperativa did we can really change people lives. These persons work together just to help the women’s that haven’t issues to start to do something for their own initiative and these are problems that we can’t see like selfsteem and just fear to fail. They teach to these women’s to fight for themselves and the most important thing they teach them to work for their society and always sustain a win to win relation like we discussed in class, we can win more working Cooperative than competitive.